Following the recent release of YotaWerx “Blackhawk 2.0” for the 3GTacoma 3.5L, we
became aware of an issue with the calibration for the 6-speed automatic. Initially, we encountered issues that we determined to be limited to the 2021-23 model year range, but not present at a 100% rate of occurrence. As time passed, the same issues were discovered on older ECU IDs, albeit at
a significantly lower rate of occurrence.
Early product launch issues are never fun, but they do happen. This negative was actually a positive, as it granted us the opportunity to offer a superior calibration option with effective and consistent power delivery, without losing out on the impressive power benefits displayed by the initial 2.0 release. This included multiple dyno sessions along with extensive road testing amongst
partners and independent testers for evaluation of drivability and reliability.
On 20 April 2024, we got on the dyno with a 2022MY 3GTacoma 3.5L 6AT for final
adjustments to the Tacoma 3.5L “Blackhawk 2.1” tune.
Like its predecessor, these BH2.1 numbers below were measured at the hub rather than
the wheel, and all posted dynographs include relevant details regarding ambient
conditions and other variables. Most notably, these runs were all conducted with 91-
octane and in 4th gear for a true 1:1 gear ratio. Due to using a hub-dyno, the vehicle’s
tire size is removed as a variable.
This dynograph serves to display a comparison of Blackhawk 2.0 vs 2.1, demonstrating
that we successfully achieved our goal of not compromising with a loss of the desired
power that this calibration is well known for.
